KofC Annual Fish Fry 2024 Thank you for joining our Annual Fish Fry 2024!  It was open to everyone in our Catholic community. KofC Basketball Free Throw Competition

Visit our Sponsors! (St Augustine was on 2/23 | St Ann was on 3/3 | St Theresa was on 3/8)

Who we are

Catholic men of faith and charitable action...

We are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action. We come from many backgrounds, and stages of life - and we share the same Catholic faith.  We help and encourage one another to live as Catholic gentlemen, grow in our faith, and do good works. Attending Mass is the first step, take the next step and become a Catholic man of action.  Everyone is busy these days, we understand - put some time into your faith and family… do what you are able to become what you are intended.  We realize everyone is busy in these times, you put in the amount of time that’s right for you.  Every contribution matters.

Business meetings are once a month, and we run, sponsor or organize a variety of charitable activities and small projects that have a big impact.  As a Council, we seek to improve our community and enrich our 3 parishes.  Contact us, come to a meeting and see what it’s all about.

Some history...

Our first meeting and charter was on Sunday May 1, 1898. Knight of Columbus Council #311 therefore has over 122 years of service to our three parishes (St Ann, St Augustine, St Theresa) and our community. We have supported our communities in a vast number of ways in this 122 years of service.

Saving Lives

ultrasoundWe have assisted Expectant Mothers Care of Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Westchester in raising money to purchase ultrasound machines.  This has been a significant effort that the Council has undertaken twice in recent history.  First, in 2010, the Council raised $2998 and with others in the region purchased 2 machines that have been used since to save babies. Coming into 2020, the Council raised $4330.00 and with others in the region purchased 3 Ultrasound machines that have been placed and are saving babies lives today.


Faithful Service

Our Council actively works to support our parish communities in Ossining. In 2020 and 2021, COVID was truly a demonstration of the character of our community and the work our local Knights of Columbus were able to accomplish at the behest of community leaders and faith leaders was a testament to our collective faith.

We're always discovering new ways to help families and the community. Let us know if there is any charitable cause where you'd like our help and support.